How Rejections Made me a Better Person

Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh

After my “little incident”(take a look here) I was matured, obeyed my parents and started to make things right but it all came at a cost-I was different inside.

Rejection Therapy logo

Rejection Therapy logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was a person who never came out in public much. I loved being alone and never let anyone close to me. I never showed the real side of me because I was afraid to make a fool out me again. The fun inside me was dead. I chose to spend my time with computer instead of hanging out with friends who eventually started hating the change inside me. I adjusted to the surrounding because I couldn’t risk putting my family and myself in danger again but deep inside I was frustrated for not being me. After my admission in college I moved to Mumbai as my parents thought it would be right if I get exposure of a real world outside(eventually they turned out to be right). I was changed completely and as a result found hard time mixing up with new people. I became a repellent for most of them in my college. I tried hard to mix it up but failed everytime. Whenever I entered class I felt like everyone is looking at me for doing something wrong. Continue reading

Why Planning My Suicide was the Best Thing Happened to Me – Part Two

When it All Made sense

Life is beautiful, make something worth out of it

After lots of tension build up in the room and seeing my mother cry I realized I made a horrible mistake. When you are in the state of depression all the thoughts rush into you together. You feel like you have lost everything in the world. Your body becomes numb. Constant tears flow out from your eyes and all you can think of is “what if you can take it all back and wish that nothing would have changed”.
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Why Planning My Suicide was the Best Thing Happened to Me- Part One

If God wanted us to take our own life, he would have provided a power-off button

India is a country with a great frequency of suicides. Especially among the youth. People of our age who commit suicide mainly do it because of the academic pressure we face, disappointment from relationships where we feel like we have no future, nothing to look forward too. Well we can go on blaming the education system and our girlfriends for making our lives miserable or we can try to fix it.

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